Watt/Meter/Kelvin Unit conversions, including W/(m·K) to W/(cm·°С), W/(m·K) to cal/(s·cm·°С), W/(m·K) to kW/(m·K), W/(m·K) to kcal/(h·m·°С), W/(m·K) to Btu·in/(s·ft²·°F) etc.

Watt/Meter/Kelvin Unit Conversions

What is the Watt/Meter/Kelvin unit?

The Watt/Meter/Kelvin (symbol: W/(m·K)) is a derived SI unit of thermal conductivity. 1 W/(m·K) shows that in a material one joule of energy per one second (that is one watt) moves through the distance of one meter due to a temperature difference of one kelvin.

Popular Thermal Conductivity Unit Conversions

Convert Watt/Meter/Kelvin to Other Thermal Conductivity Units


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