Popular Thermal Conductivity Unit Conversions

Thermal Conductivity Unit Conversion

1. watt/meter/kelvin [W/(m·K)]:
2. watt/centimeter/degree Celsius [W/(cm·°С)]:
3. kilowatt/meter/kelvin [kW/(m·K)]:
4. calorie (IT)/second/centimeter/degree Celsiu [cal (IT)/(s·cm·°С)]:
5. calorie (th)/second/centimeter/degree Celsiu [cal (th)/(s·cm·°С)]:
6. kilocalorie (IT)/hour/meter/degree Celsiu [kcal (IT)/(h·m·°С)]:
7. kilocalorie (th)/hour/meter/degree Celsiu [kcal (th)/(h·m·°С)]:
8. Btu (IT) inch/second/square foot/degree Fahrenheit [Btu (IT)·in/(s·ft²·°F)]:
9. Btu (th) inch/second/square foot/degree Fahrenheit [Btu (th)·in/(s·ft²·°F)]:
10. Btu (IT) foot/hour/square foot/degree Fahrenheit [Btu (IT)·ft/(h·ft²·°F)]:
11. Btu (th) foot/hour/square foot/degree Fahrenheit [Btu (th)·ft/(h·ft²·°F)]:
12. Btu (IT) inch/hour/square foot/degree Fahrenheit [Btu (IT)·in/(h·ft²·°F)]:
13. Btu (th) inch/hour/square foot/degree Fahrenheit [Btu (th)·in/(h·ft²·°F)]:

What is Thermal Conductivity unit conversion?

Thermal Conductivity unit conversion, including W/(m·K) to W/(cm·°С), cal/(s·cm·°С) to kW/(m·K), kcal/(h·m·°С) to Btu·in/(s·ft²·°F) etc.

» Watt/Meter/Kelvin Unit Converters

W/(m·K) unit conversions

» Watt/Centimeter/Degree Celsius Unit Converters

W/(cm·°С) unit conversions

» Kilowatt/Meter/Kelvin Unit Converters

kW/(m·K) unit conversions

» Calorie (IT)/Second/Centimeter/Degree Celsius Unit Converters

cal (IT)/(s·cm·°С) unit conversions

» Calorie (th)/Second/Centimeter/Degree Celsius Unit Converters

cal (th)/(s·cm·°С) unit conversions

» Kilocalorie (IT)/Hour/Meter/Degree Celsius Unit Converters

kcal (IT)/(h·m·°С) unit conversions

» Kilocalorie (th)/Hour/Meter/Degree Celsius Unit Converters

kcal (th)/(h·m·°С) unit conversions

» Btu (IT) Inch/Second/Square Foot/Degree Fahrenheit Unit Converters

Btu (IT)·in/(s·ft²·°F) unit conversions

» Btu (th) Inch/Second/Square Foot/Degree Fahrenheit Unit Converters

Btu (th)·in/(s·ft²·°F) unit conversions

» Btu (IT) Foot/Hour/Square Foot/Degree Fahrenheit Unit Converters

Btu (IT)·ft/(h·ft²·°F) unit conversions

» Btu (th) Foot/Hour/Square Foot/Degree Fahrenheit Unit Converters

Btu (th)·ft/(h·ft²·°F) unit conversions

» Btu (IT) Inch/Hour/Square Foot/Degree Fahrenheit Unit Converters

Btu (IT)·in/(h·ft²·°F) unit conversions

» Btu (th) Inch/Hour/Square Foot/Degree Fahrenheit Unit Converters

Btu (th)·in/(h·ft²·°F) unit conversions

Other Thermal Conductivity Units to Watt/Meter/Kelvin Conversion Table
W/(cm·°С) to W/(m·K)1 W/(cm·°С) = 100 W/(m·K)
kW/(m·K) to W/(m·K)1 kW/(m·K) = 1000 W/(m·K)
cal (IT)/(s·cm·°С) to W/(m·K)1 cal (IT)/(s·cm·°С) = 418.68 W/(m·K)
cal (th)/(s·cm·°С) to W/(m·K)1 cal (th)/(s·cm·°С) = 418.4 W/(m·K)
kcal (IT)/(h·m·°С) to W/(m·K)1 kcal (IT)/(h·m·°С) = 1.163 W/(m·K)
kcal (th)/(h·m·°С) to W/(m·K)1 kcal (th)/(h·m·°С) = 1.1622222222 W/(m·K)
Btu (IT)·in/(s·ft²·°F) to W/(m·K)1 Btu (IT)·in/(s·ft²·°F) = 519.22039991 W/(m·K)
Btu (th)·in/(s·ft²·°F) to W/(m·K)1 Btu (th)·in/(s·ft²·°F) = 518.87316166 W/(m·K)
Btu (IT)·ft/(h·ft²·°F) to W/(m·K)1 Btu (IT)·ft/(h·ft²·°F) = 1.7307346664 W/(m·K)
Btu (th)·ft/(h·ft²·°F) to W/(m·K)1 Btu (th)·ft/(h·ft²·°F) = 1.7295772055 W/(m·K)
Btu (IT)·in/(h·ft²·°F) to W/(m·K)1 Btu (IT)·in/(h·ft²·°F) = 0.1442278889 W/(m·K)
Btu (th)·in/(h·ft²·°F) to W/(m·K)1 Btu (th)·in/(h·ft²·°F) = 0.1441314338 W/(m·K)
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"" at https://www.o.vg/unit/thermal-conductivity.php from www.o.vg Inc,09/17/2024. https://www.o.vg - Instant, Quick, Free Online Unit Converters

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