L to bu (UK) Converter

From L to bu (UK): 1 L = 0.027496156 bu (UK);

From bu (UK) to L: 1 bu (UK) = 36.36872 L;

How to Convert Liter to Bushel (UK)?

As we know One L is equal to 0.027496156 bu (UK) (1 L = 0.027496156 bu (UK)).

To convert Liter to Bushel (UK), multiply your L figure by 0.027496156.

Example : convert 25 L to bu (UK):

25 L = 25 × 0.027496156 bu (UK) = bu (UK)

To convert Bushel (UK) to Liter, divide your bu (UK) figure by 0.027496156.

Example : convert 25 bu (UK) to L:

25 bu (UK) = 25 ÷ 0.027496156 L = L

How to Convert Bushel (UK) to Liter?

As we know One bu (UK) is equal to 36.36872 L (1 bu (UK) = 36.36872 L).

To convert Bushel (UK) to Liter, multiply your bu (UK) figure by 36.36872.

Example : convert 45 bu (UK) to L:

45 bu (UK) = 45 × 36.36872 L = L

To convert Liter to Bushel (UK), divide your L figure by 36.36872.

Example : convert 45 L to bu (UK):

45 L = 45 ÷ 36.36872 bu (UK) = bu (UK)

Popular Dry Volume Unit Conversions

Convert Liter or Bushel (UK) to Other Dry Volume Units

Liter Conversion Table
L to bbl dry (US)1 L = 0.0086484898 bbl dry (US)
L to pt dry (US)1 L = 1.8161659684 pt dry (US)
L to qt dry (US)1 L = 0.9080829842 qt dry (US)
L to pk (US)1 L = 0.113510373 pk (US)
L to pk (UK)1 L = 0.1099846241 pk (UK)
L to bu (US)1 L = 0.0283775933 bu (US)
L to bu (UK)1 L = 0.027496156 bu (UK)
L to cor (Biblical)1 L = 0.0045454548 cor (Biblical)
Liter Conversion Table
L to homer (Biblical)1 L = 0.0045454548 homer (Biblical)
L to ephah (Biblical)1 L = 0.0454545477 ephah (Biblical)
L to seah (Biblical)1 L = 0.136363643 seah (Biblical)
L to omer (Biblical)1 L = 0.4545454767 omer (Biblical)
L to cab (Biblical)1 L = 0.818181858 cab (Biblical)
L to log (Biblical)1 L = 3.272727432 log (Biblical)
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What is 9 Liter in Bushel (UK)?

bu (UK). Since one L equals 0.027496156 bu (UK), 9 L in bu (UK) will be bu (UK).

How many Bushel (UK) are in a Liter?

There are 0.027496156 bu (UK) in one L. In turn, one bu (UK) is equal to 36.36872 L.

How many L is equal to 1 bu (UK)?

1 bu (UK) is approximately equal to 36.36872 L.

What is the L value of 8 bu (UK)?

The Liter value of 8 bu (UK) is L. (i.e.,) 8 x 36.36872 = L.

L to bu (UK) converter in batch



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