Meter/pint (UK) Unit conversions, including m/pt (UK) to m/L, m/pt (UK) to km/L, m/pt (UK) to mi/L, m/pt (UK) to nmi/L, m/pt (UK) to km/gal, m/pt (UK) to mi/gal, m/pt (UK) to m/yd³, m/pt (UK) to m/m³, m/pt (UK) to m/qt, m/pt (UK) to m/pt, m/pt (UK) to m/cup etc.

Meter/pint (UK) Unit Conversions

What is the Meter/pint (UK) unit?

The Meter/pint (UK) (symbol: m/pt (UK)) is a unit of measurement for fuel economy in the British Imperial system of units, equal to 1.759750389 m/L in the metric units. It defines the number of meters a vehicle can travel using one British pint of fuel.

Example: 20000 m/pt (UK) means car travels 20000 meters per pint (UK) of oil. (i.e.,) the car consumes 1 pint (UK) of fuel for every 20000 meters of travel.

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